Leading the health craze, Agricorp, has designed our new product Agrilizer.We intend to create the most ecofriendly product possible for the purpose of agriculture. Pesticides and fertilizers typically are made of an asortment of chemicals that can prove devastating to it's enviroment. We at agricop understand this, and so decide to create a product made by the most natural waypossible. Before the time of fertilizers farmers relied on alternative
ways to increase their crops. Most commonly compost;
compost is a product made by natural decomposition of
an assortment of organic materials. Since it is effective
and enviromentally friendly, agricorp decided this is the
way to go. Yet we here at agricorp like to go beyond the
call of duty, and have engineered our compost
with an extra blend of nitrogen and minerals.
Overall Agrilizer ensures to be the most enviromentally friendly solution while still be an incredible product.
Making the food on your table healtier than ever.